Tiger Till
Strip Till and Ridge Till Reimagined

About Us
We have spent over 30 years in research to arrive at the most versatile machine in today’s farm machinery market place. Our roots started in ridge till, but we needed a way to till the soil while still taking advantage of the ridges.
After many years of trial and error, we have arrived at the design of the Tiger Till.
The Tiger Till is Farming at its Finest. We are taking care of the environment by conserving the topsoil and utilizing all the benefits of both ridges and strip tilling.
This is the way of the future and the most exciting and fun piece of farm equipment to date.
Creates an excellent seed bed
Reduces trips over the field
Eliminate weeds without chemicals
Mixes crop residue and soil
Creates osmosis action
Aerates the soil
Reduces soil compaction
Improves water usage
Mixes the soil and its nutrients
Warms soil faster
Low fuel consumption
Low horse-power requirement
High-speed operation

“Strip Till, Ridge Till, Soil Conservation - it’s the best of all worlds”