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Soil Nutrition Products

Nutrients and Biologicals

PikSi Dust & PikSi Dust Plus
Potassium Silica

PiKSi Dust may help to reduce lodging and enhance plant vigor through improved cellular structure and stalk strength. It is designed for in-furrow application on all crops and may be mixed with starter or pop-up fertilizer. In-house plate counts have demonstrated that PiKSi Dust is a phenomenal food source for the biology in other BW Fusion products.



Envita is a nitrogen fixing solution that fundamentally changes the nitrogen equation on your farm. Applied in-furrow or as a foliar spray, Envita enables cells throughout the plant, including foliage and roots, to fix their own nitrogen. Air is 78% nitrogen and Envita bacteria naturally metabolizes N directly from the air, allowing you to reduce your N fertility program and hit your yield goals OR maintain your N fertility program and shoot for even higher yields. You decide!


The Envita Difference:

  • Increases yield on average between 5-13%, and in some cases up to 20%.

  • Can replace an average of 27% of the plant’s nitrogen needs.

  • Depending on corn prices and your local yield potential, Envita™ can pay for itself with as low as 1% increase in yield.

  • Similar results were seen in soybeans as Envita works throughout the plant and not just in the root system where the natural nitrogen-fixing ability of soybeans exists.

Ready To Get Started?

At AgPoint Solutions, we are committed to providing you with the best products to help your farm thrive. If you have questions about any of our products or don't see what you are looking for, please contact us and we will work with you to create a plan for success.

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